Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Love Sunday Mornings!!

Our church is doing a sermon series on being "Fearless" and the topic of today was knowing your worth in Christ. It was a great reminder not to be concerned with what others think of me and knowing how much God loves me and what I am worth to Him. It is so easy to become consumed with this world and what it thinks of as important and worth your time and foregetting the areas in which God sees worth and what is truly worth our time and energy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010

Well, I found my blog spot, so that is progress!!! I had a pretty good day today. Our pastor from Shadow Lake Community Church came to speak at Chapel today. Although I had already heard this sermon, it was a good one to hear again. Learning how to hear God speak is a skill I have yet to acquire. It would be great to have a pillar of fire or a cloud to follow around, they didn't realize how good they had it with that!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I did it!!!!

Well, I actually was able to start up a new blog with almost no help, yea for me!!!

We took the boys to see "The Tooth Fairy" this weekend. Although it is a secular movie, it was really clean and we found ourselves laughing throughout the whole movie. I don't recall bad language, nobody was sleeping with anyone they were not married to. It was great for both boys and girls to watch, and of course kept us as parents laughing. I would highly recommend this movie for anyone who really needs a good laugh, you don't even need kids to go, but grab one if you know one and have a great time!!!